Welcome to those who will be following my writings. I hope to write articles and do my own research on everything metaphysical. This will be both subjective (from my own view and experiences) and objective (taking a step back and looking at things in an unbiased way). I hope this will be informative and perhaps ask a few questions of our world both physically and spiritually.
Whilst I am on my spiritual journey, I do this from a slightly skeptical stand point. Not 'disbelief' but I cannot just accept ideas and concepts on face value - ie being told this is how it is. My background has always been to only accept concepts and theories which are scientifically 'proven'. In fact prior to embarking on my spiritual journey I had just completed a Social Research degree. During my degree I learnt the importance of statistical probability and significance. Only theories which were statistically significant could be said to be true and accepted. However, I also learnt that there is never unbiased research. There is the bias of the researcher to consider along with importantly the bias of the funder of the research. We see this in the medical world – there is always funding available for research into new medical products – but no-one seems prepared to fund large scale research projects into the benefits of holistic therapies. We do indeed live in a money world where research is only deemed necessary if vast financial gain is to be made. And of course this shapes our beliefs. And then there is the media who only tell us what they deem important. So our world is very much shaped for us and it makes you wonder what the real world actually is. I guess us who are on our spiritual journeys have broken out (or least breaking out) of this and realising there is more to our world than is presented to us. But it means perhaps we have to explore ourselves and be open minded to the metaphysical and spiritual world. And as much as we may not accept the world portrayed by the media at face value, then we should also not accept what we are told in our spiritual journeys at face value. We must explore ourselves and make our own decisions. That is my theory anyhow – which you may or may not agree with. The important thing is to enjoy your journey – I am absolutely loving it! Love, light and blessing xx
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